Friday, July 4, 2008

Pig & Shark's medals....

Okay, so we got 2nd runner up in the tournament. We got beaten but somehow....I had alot of fun! The veterans were cheering me and Sharkey. After the match, one of the veterans, Linda, said I looked very determined than the 1st match. I mean....yeah, my first tournament experience in a long long time. They said they were so excited to see new names on the board of players. Linda said "You know, the state player you were playing with just now, she thinks you're cute".

My my my.....

And we're having our names engraved on the walls of the KRP badminton court. Wow...! Will take a snap of it when it's on the Wall Of Fame.

Anyways, here is our achievement in the month of July....2nd runner up in the KRP Closed Badminton Tournament!!

Sharkster, if you're reading this...we make a great team still (only need to team up more often) >=B..


cavogue said...

waaaaaaaaaa...u make the mama proud!!!hehe...u go girl!!

Cheeky said...

*takes a bow* TQTQ!